Monday, March 21, 2011

Show Us Your Papers!

The entertainment industry needs to find other ways to monetize their products or change their business model to cope with the new challenges the internet has produced. They have replaced fair use with Gestapo tactics trying to put themselves on your computer and tell you what you can and can't do with your legally purchased media. Instead of suing alleged pirates tracked through sketchy ISP traces, they should be focusing on developing good content that people want to purchase in high quality format. I watched a poor quality version of the third Narnia movie a few days ago and it was great! Has the movie studio lost anything from me? Absolutely not! Despite my distaste for the industry, I'm going to purchase the Bluray when it is released and I'll probably pick up a copy of Inception too. (I watched it at a friend's house. It was awesome!) I'll purchase a good product because I enjoy having high quality things, but I'll use it in my own way within fair use. To the entertainment industry: Deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree - the entertainment industry should just deal with it. Most business can't expect to have the same business model forever and entertainment is certainly no exception.
